My Nursery Classes | E-learning app for educating kids


Our client in this project wanted to create an E-learning app for educating kids as a part of open schooling methodology, so our target audience for this was parents or guardians of those kids.

The most complex part of this system was the content management from the app admins, which was a four-layered content -

Classes -> Months -> Days -> Time Slots

I.e., each class can have months of tutorials, with each month having various tutorials for each day and each day having a single video tutorial for each time slot. So a 4-way relation for content is tough to manage from a performance and UX perspective.

We created a user-friendly dashboard to tackle the above challenge. An admin user can manage the classes and add content to each category via an intuitive and content-friendly UI. Furthermore, the content created in the admin can also be saved in the draft state if it’s not final, enabling the admin a fine control over which content is to be published to the app.

In the app, the parents or guardians can easily view the content as per their kids’ class and follow the curriculum at the pace their kids are comfortable following.


Project Screenshots

Project Glossary


Date - Jan 29, 2019

Tags -

  • E-Learning
  • MERN
  • React Native
  • Heroku

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